ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Detecting Interferences During Animation Playback

ConstructSim Planner has the capability to check for interferences between moving and static objects in your model. You can identify physical clashes and clearance-related problems while replaying an animation so that you can take corrective action.

The interference detection is executed prior to the animation playback, rather than during the animation playback. After it is executed, interference information is stored as animation script entries within the animation model until the animation session is closed or the interference detection is re-executed. The script entries change the color of interfering elements while an interference occurs during an animation playback. You can also see the interference information listed in the storyboard panel and tree view in the Animation Producer dialog.

You can review detected interferences by playing back an animation. Elements involved in each interference are color-coded, based on the user-defined color settings. You can pause the animation and then you can either resume or terminate the playback to review the interference that occurs at a specific frame. When the animation is paused, the view can be manipulated, the item data can be reviewed, measurements can be taken and markup tools can be used.

The tools in the Interference Detection toolbox gives you access to the interference detection functionality. Open this toolbox by selecting Tools > Tool Boxes and in the dialog, turn on Interference Detection and click OK.

Note: Currently, the interference detection during animation playback does not support changing the size (for example, scale) of the graphic elements during the animation.